The Greatest Sex Myths

Tuesday, May 1, 2007
10 Sex Manner Women Always Want From Men (Part 1)

Ohh..Man...Here are 10 etiquetes you should consider to get that return invite :

1) Begging For It

Express what you want to do. Expressing your sincere desire and appreciation will let her know what works for you and how much it would mean to you. And why on earth should women resist when you ask so very nicely? Then there all the different shades to say thank you from "that was good" to "do it again!" It's always nice to give and get positive reinforcement.

2) Setting The Scene

If you've got the night of seduction planned, there's no need to get in the satin sheets and revolving mattress complete with mirrored headboard. But you don't have to be a set designer to chuck your dirty laundry, porn VCDs and empty pizza boxes under the bed. Give your place a bit of a tidy and dim the lights, which helps set the mood and hide the more obvious dirt. Other option is to light some candles and put on mood music - but the real necessity is a box of tissue and glass of water by the bed. You'll need these if all goes right.

3) The Heat of Action

Who knows what kind of kink people can be into? But until you find out for sure, refrain from the following - spanking, choking, hair-pulling and phrases like "Bitch!" unless she's begging for it. If this is your thing and you want to share it with her, then ask nicely first, introduce it slowly and only ever with her consent. If you're in a relationship and want to try something new, discuss your action plan with her beforehand and never just spring it on her in bed when she will be vulnerable and cannot react comfortably. Women can be adventurous and she may be up for it, as long as you make clear to her that whatever fun and games happen in the bedroom you will respect her outside of it.

4) Wash and Go

Good sex is usually a messy affair. This is why the tissue by the bed comes handy. It's your gentlemanly duty to remove any liquids that you've spilled on her, and what better way for you both to get clean and then jump in the shower together? If she's someone who likes to get cleaned up straightaway, then of course you have to take turns cleaning one another. With all the lathering up and slippery sliding, you may just end up exactly where you started.

to be continued....


posted by Norhayati @ 10:23 PM  
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